Life sometimes collapses in one moment, and you know exactly that day.
We had everything for a good life. Where to live, a car, a good job, traveling, the baby was born 9 months ago.
But at some point, all this was gone.
There is just more travel.
Because of my husband, we cannot go abroad, so we looked for housing in a safe zone for a long time, rode around many cities, and eventually settled in the Lviv region. Prices go up, of course.
There is no work, there is not even an opportunity to buy what is necessary for the child!
For the first time, I found myself in a situation where I had to ask for a help.
I don’t remember where your number came from, but for a very long time I was going to write. It was difficult to gather strength, we are not used to asking, we always did everything ourselves, but here it doesn’t work
And it’s so nice, and most importantly simple in communication.
I thought they would ask us for a long time who we are, where we are from, why we have such problems …
And everything was very clear and positive.
-Yes, of course, write what and for what age you need, maybe something else is needed, we will bring everything!
And the very next day everything was delivered. Vitalik is such a nice young man, he helped to convey everything, he smileda lot.
How grateful our family is! There are good people who help each other so much on a day like this!

A Someres politikailag aktív és mintaképe a szabadságra, egyenlőségre, békére és szolidaritásra való törekvésnek. – 4. parancsolat
"A Someres politikailag aktív és mintaképe a szabadságra, egyenlőségre, békére és szolidaritásra való törekvésnek."...