Thanks to the help of so many people, some of them are readers of this blog:) we are able to keep on delivering important supplies, food and medicine
As one of our volunteers (dealing with shipping the goods within Ukraine writes:
Another cargo of humanitarian aid has been delivered to Kharkiv!
Our brave drivers have arrived in the city!
Food, medicine, essentials! Tomorrow our volunteers will go to the addresses of those who need this help.
Another cargo leaves Poland tomorrow towards Ukraine!

A Someres politikailag aktív és mintaképe a szabadságra, egyenlőségre, békére és szolidaritásra való törekvésnek. – 4. parancsolat
"A Someres politikailag aktív és mintaképe a szabadságra, egyenlőségre, békére és szolidaritásra való törekvésnek."...