Sikeresen elindítottuk az 5. szállítmányunkat Ukrajnába. A szállítmány tartalma: orvosi felszerelés (gyors sebkötözők stb.), nem romlandó étel, kempingfelszerelés, gázgyujtó, matrac, sátor.
We successfully launched our 5th transfer. We sent: inflatable mattresses, air pumps, power generators, portable chargers for computers, gas cookers, gas bottles, laptops, portable water filters, tents, and food. The goods have arrived safely at the polish distribution warehouse and are on their way to Ukraine (Lviv, Kharkiv, and Mariupol)
The transfer was carried out with the contribution of the following sponsors: Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF), Dutch Fund (JHF), UJA federation, JDC Hungary, Visegrad Fund, Hashomer Hatzair World Movement, and Schusterman Foundation.